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A mammogram is a specialised medical imaging test that uses low-dose X-Rays to examine the breast tissue. It is primarily used for the early detection and diagnosis of breast diseases, particularly breast cancer. Mammography can reveal changes in breast tissue, such as lumps, calcifications, and other abnormalities, often before they can be felt through physical examination.


Mammograms require an appointment. Please phone, present, or submit your referral to our team who will provide you with details on the next available appointment. Please be prepared with any relevant information that may be required to book your appointment including knowledge of prior mammograms. You may be asked to provide our friendly team with any family history or relevant symptomatic indications. This will assist our bookings team to identify if you meet any eligible Medicare rebates.

Our team will provide specific instructions at the time of booking. Please be prepared with any relevant information on previous examinations that may be required to book your appointment. It is advised that a comfortable two-piece outfit is worn while refraining from wearing deodorant, talcum powders or perfume for the appointment as these substances can affect image quality. It is important to arrive 15 mins prior to fill in any necessary paperwork to avoid delays in your appointment.
Please bring your referral/request form, relevant prior reports and images and if applicable, your Medicare or DVA card.

One of our friendly team members will escort you to the examination room, explain the procedure, and instruct you on how to prepare. You may be instructed to change into a gown. During a mammogram, your breast tissue is placed on a flat support plate and compressed with the mammography’s unit paddle. This compression spreads out the breast tissue, allowing for clearer images and reduces the amount of radiation needed. You may experience some discomfort which will last for a short time while the images are being taken. Once the mammogram is completed, our specialist Radiologist will prepare a report for your referrer.

The cost of a mammogram varies based on your eligibility for a Medicare rebate which is determined by any relevant family history and the presentation of symptoms. Diagnostic mammograms are entitled to a Medicare Rebate. Screening mammograms will incur an out-of-pocket cost with no rebate from Medicare.

Please allow 24 to 48 hours for your report. If you have been instructed to return to your healthcare professional immediately following the scan, it is important to advise one of our staff members. If your exam is clinically urgent, this will be prioritised, and our team will communicate with our Radiologist to ensure a prompt report is provided.