Our Services

Dental Imaging

Clinic Locations Offering this Service

Dental Imaging

Dental Imaging can be conducted through a variety of imaging modalities to assess your teeth, jaw and facial joints. OPG is a rotational panoramic dental X-Ray that allows the dentist to view the upper and lower jaws, including the teeth. Our OPG units are specifically designed to rotate around your head during the exam.


Dental Imaging, on most occasions, requires no appointment. While our dedicated team strives to minimise waiting times, there may be periods of higher demand throughout the day. If your referral mentions CT Dentascan, an appointment may be required.

Our team will provide any specific instructions at the time of booking. You may be asked to remove any metal objects such as piercings. It is important to arrive 15 mins prior to fill in any necessary paperwork to avoid delays in your appointment.

Please bring your referral/request form and, if applicable, your Medicare or DVA If this is a work injury, your Workcover claim number may be required, or let our team know if you are intending to lodge a claim.

One of our friendly team members will escort you to the examination room, explain the procedure, and instruct you on how to prepare. OPGs and Dental Imaging are relatively quick scans lasting between 5 and 15 minutes. Once the scan is complete, the images will be reviewed and interpreted by a Radiologist, a doctor specialising in Radiology, who will prepare a report for your referrer.

Radiology Queensland Group bulk bills most Medicare eligible services, however some examinations incur a fee. Our booking staff will advise you if a fee applies.
Please allow 24 to 48 hours for your report. If you have been instructed to return to your healthcare professional immediately following the scan, it is important to advise one of our staff members. If your exam is clinically urgent, this will be prioritised, and our team will communicate with our Radiologist to ensure a prompt report is provided.